Faction is a new dance party coming to Brisbane, to be held at the Sportsman Hotel in Spring Hill. Progressive and infectious underground beats, pulsating into your mind. Tribal, Techno, House, Progressive and Trance blast The Sportsman Hotel's underground bar all night long. Faction is all about the music. Alternative house, tribal tunes and trance that is so infectious, that will sink into your very core. DJ Headliner Mark Alsop (Syd) along with Misseloura and DJ Ensel complete the DJ line up. DJ Misseloura will be on from 8pm and has her own addictive sound of deep house and house. DJ Mark Alsop is to follow with his own collection of Tribal and House tunes. Following Mark Alsop will be DJ Ensel, finishing the night with his trance music. Entry is just $15 for a journey of music on the night. Ditch the norm for one night and come to Faction.
Originally launched at the Oxford Hotel's Underground bar, Faction raised great reviews and popularity for its great sounding underground style and vibe. Now its time for Brisbane's treatment of Faction. The venue will be revamped with a additional sound system including a sub woofer. The dynamics of venues appearance will also be changed with billboards, banners and other Faction props. Faction key rings will also be for sale on the night, which will entitle the holder a $5 discount and any other Faction event, other then this launch party.
The club music scene in Brisbane is going to be treated to a new sound and a new vibe in the presentation of Faction to the community. This is a uni sex event, with everyone invited from all aspects of life and culture. Hoping you will be there with us to share in this unique night of lights and sound. This different approach to the club scene will show other capitals and states that Brisbane is willing to experiment outside the norm of commercial music and everyday radio listening experiences.
Faction is there for the alternative community and those who wish to experience something new and different. Faction will be the experiment for Brisbane's music lovers. Like nothing that has been seen before, Faction is a experience to witness and to be apart of.
Faction has a number of supporters including Queensland Pride, Queer radio, Spunkd adult shop, Boot Co and The Sportsman Hotel.
Faction will be held at The Sportsman Hotel in Spring Hill on Easter Sunday the 20th of April 2014 from 8pm.
Boot Co Members and Hell Fire club members will receive a door discount on presenting their membership card.
See you in the Underground!